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by Austin Arige

What is the meaning of Google+1? It is nothing but “digital shorthand” for the phrase “this is pretty cool.” When you see a pretty cool website or any useful product on Internet, you might want to recommend them to your friends and relatives. Now, Google made it easy by introducing +1 button in the month of March, 2011 for people who want to recommend a webpage to their near and dear. This not only helps to find the relevant website on Google search Engine, but also helps webmasters to increase their SERP (search engine result page) rankings. Now, the buzz is for more +1s. The more +1 means the better rankings for your keyword in Google SERP Results. Hunt for people to recommend your website by clicking +1 button appearing against your website on Google Search Engine. Sending email requests to friends, relatives, partners, and colleagues to click +1 button. Off-course Google nowhere guaranteed better rankings if you have more +1s. But, certainly in near future, it will be a key factor to determine your rankings. This is what Industry circles predicting. So… act quickly to get more +1s than your competitors can get for their sites. For webmasters…. there is a catch in this, if you have already logged into your Google account and researching for your keyword SERP rankings then don’t get puzzled with the sudden raise in your SERP rankings. In order to see the real results, first you have to log-out from Google accounts and then do your analysis; otherwise your earlier +1 hit to your website makes your website appear on top of search results. The much awaited Google Plus social networking site g+ is now open to public with the Title: “real life sharing rethought for the web”. Let us wait and watch whether New “Google Social Networking” site can reach the heights of other Social Networking giants like Twitter and Facebook. Web Design Bournemouth SEO Agency Web Design SEO Agency Bournemouth

posted on Oct 6, 2011



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