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Web Developer using Java EE (JDK)

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Web Developer using Java EE (JDK)

by Charlesmudy

Knowing more about web development I have written an article about becoming a freelance web developer, but this article will be based on becoming a professional web developer using Java EE (JDK) which will definitely get you better paid job. This days, there are many ways you can develop or build a website, depends on the type of website you are building. For static sites, you would basically need XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and e.t.c but when building database or e-commerce websites, most developer tend to use CMS and I for one use Joomla. But after working a while, I thought of learner more and to understand how to build large database websites such as large sales or educational portal then I realize using JDK with IDE would perhaps be a better option for me. Although every Web Developer prefers different methods you always have to choose which one suites you best. What is Java EE (JDK)? Java EE is a platform-independent, Java-centric environment for developing, building and deploying Web-based enterprise applications online. Java EE includes many components of the Java Standard Edition (Java SE).The Java EE platform consists of a set of services, APIs, and protocols that provide the functionality for developing multitiered, Web-based applications. To use Java EE, I would advise you learn Core Java. Having a solid foundation in core java will help you when you jump into the advanced java. No matter what Java technologies you plan to work on, you will need to use the core java every day. So it is absolutely must to have a good understanding of the core concepts. Learn the basic programming concepts like variables, branching and looping, logical conditions, data types etc. Learn core java library, especially collection framework, Threads, java.lang, java.io packages. If you are targeting the web development, you may not want to waste time on the swing. Get yourself a good core java book that covers the latest java edition JDK 1.6. The java web components, Servlet API and JSP Almost every web application running on internet or intranet which is developed in Java has their roots in Servlet API. So next thing to learn is servlets. Servlet API is the only standard API for java web application development. JSP is also based on the servlet API. Almost all the web frameworks, like Spring MVC, Struts, Wicket uses the servlet API under the hood. Having the solid understanding of the Servlet API is quite important. Understand the core concepts like, life cycle, request, response, filters, session, config, context etc. Web container is a run time environment or server that is used to deploy and run the web applications or more specifically Web components (Eg servlets or JSP) Almost every web application will need to connect to a database for storing and retrieving persistent data. JDBC is the standard API for database connectivity. A web application framework is actually a set of libraries that makes developing web applications easier. Struts and Spring MVC are good choices. If you are just starting, I would recommend going with Spring MVC. Resources • Official Java EE JDK download • Web Development using Netbeans • Servlet 3.0 Specification Thank you for visiting my blog and you can contact me if you have any questions.

posted on Sep 23, 2011

