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Improving Search Engine - SEO

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Improving Search Engine - SEO

by Ashish K Arora

What does "improving search engines" mean and why is it necessary after we invested a lot of money in order to create a site? I will try to explain you the phenomenon and why one needs improving. The surveys which were conducted show that 60-70% from the traffic of a site is realized through the aid of search engines and the rest of 30-40% through advertising.

Improving search engines means in principle the intervention performed in the source code of the pages, which has as purpose the development and the concentration of representative key words for the object of activity of the site, so that it will reach top positions in the results of the searches and implicitly more visitors.

Site improving is a method which represents for years, in the world of the international web, the best and the most efficient way to promote your business on the internet. Why is this method recommended when you may choose advertising? Simply, site improvement will bring a continuous traffic of target visitors from search engines for long periods of time or maybe forever.

Search engines (google, yahoo, msn, altavista, alexa, jeeves, etc.) which are in a continuous competition, use their own methods to index a site. Some search engines are focused on the text which is contained by the site; others read meta tags where there can be found information about the site, but most of the search engines use a combination between the contents of a page, meta tags, the popularity of the link etc, in order to determine the importance and implicitly the place of the site in their lists.

If a site which deals with search engines improving is able to introduce its own site among the results of the first page, then that site has already proved the professionalism and the efficiency of the improving which was offered. There are expert teams which offer you such improving services and internet promotion of your business, through search engines.

posted on Jun 26, 2007

